About me

I am a Brazilian Computer Engineering student at the Federal University of ParaĆ­ba - UFPB.

I am a Software Engineer with experience in Web development(Full Stack), FastAPI, Django, Flask, Dash and Security Information technologies. I have knowledge in Python, C/C++, Java, Object-Oriented Programming, Git, Database, SQL, Data Science, Plotly, Dashboards, Docker and Cloud.

I like to learn new technologies and code. That's why i will give 100% of my energy and focus until finish a project, if i don't know something, i will learn and execute.

I worked as Back-end Developer intern from May 2022 until October 2023 at ARIA. I currently work as Software Engineering Intern at ORACLE. You can learn more about my career on my resume.

My Projects

Karps Music

A unique website in the world. Karps is a music effects adder, just copy the youtube song link, paste, choose the effects and click download.

Crypto Doll

Website that converts dollar amounts to cryptocurrencies


API of movies using FastAPI, SQLAlchemy and Postgresql

Whatsapp Message Bot

A bot for whatsapp that automatically sends messages

Youtube Downloader - Bash version

A simple youtube video downloader

Youtube Downloader - GUI version

A youtube video downloader with Graphical User Interface

Pentest Tools

A set of tools to assist in pentest

Extra Curricular Experience

ARIA - Backend Developer

I work as Backend Developer in the Sefaz-pb Project. I am currently responsible for making the project's dashboards. Using pandas to manipulate the data, plotly to make the graphs and the Dash framework to make the dashboards.

Learn more about me

You can find me at any of the links below

Here is a copy of my resume.